Welcome to the Climate Just Collective

We are the Climate Just Collective - an online publication and collective movement with the aim to promote education and raise awareness on climate justice. We focus on four key pillars - Inclusive Cities, Human Rights and Wrongs, People and Planet, and Collective Action.

We update the website with new articles, guest contributions, and initiatives. Campaigns, events, our book club, and other ways of getting involved will be shared across our content, and collated within The Collective. Our next Edition will be published in Spring 2022.


Under Development - New Initiatives Coming Soon

New initiatives under development…

Sign Up For Our October Book Club

Launched in November 2020, by our guest contributor, Katie Fawcett, we aim to bring together a like-minded community through our virtual Climate Justice Book Club.

Climate Justice Mentorship Programme (2022)

In January 2022, we relaunched the Climate Justice Mentorship Programme. This informal programme allows you to learn more / collaborate with others on topics of climate justice, intersectional environmentalism, and wider environmental topics. Join today!

Sign Up To Our Climate Diary Initiative

Join our Climate Diary Initiative from Sunday 17th April to Sunday 17th July 2022 and begin writing your own Climate Diary for climate and environmental justice.

Contribute to Our Online Autumn / Winter Edition: Climate Justice Articles 2022

Want to write an article for our Autumn / Winter Edition? Find out more here about next steps.


To get in touch and/or sign up for monthly email updates, please complete the contact form below:

© 2022 Climate Just Collective