Climate Justice Mentorship Programme

Here, at the Climate Just Collective, we believe in the power of collective action and collaboration for affording real change and making positive and socially just impact. In March 2021, we introduced the first Climate Justice Mentorship Programme. This informal programme allows you to learn more / collaborate with others on topics of climate justice, intersectional environmentalism, and wider environmental topics.

The submissions for the second climate justice mentorship programme have now opened! Use the submission form below to sign up to the programme / find out more. Upon completion of this six month programme, participants receive a certification award.


There are multiple pathways for Climate Justice Mentorship:
- General (to discuss climate / environmental justice with like-minded individuals)
- Career Development (to discuss future / furthering careers)
- Technical (to discuss technical topics and disciplines)


Climate Justice Mentee

Climate Justice Mentees are those who wish to engage with the programme to learn from others, ask questions, and receive guidance and support. Whether its career support, academic tutoring, informal conversations and guidance - the informal programme will help you to build confidence, develop skills, and encourage reciprocal learning between mentee and mentor.

Climate Justice Mentor

Climate Justice Mentors are those who wish to engage with the programme to support others and provide leadership and guidance. Topics include, but are not limited to, guidance on professional career development, academic studies, environmental topics and guidance, best practice, and more.

Climate Justice Peer Network

The Peer Network is for those who wish join a buddy programme to reciprocally learn and engage from others. We aim to pair you with like-minded individuals; whether you’re in similar / complementary professional fields, studying at similar times / levels, and /or interested in similar topics / areas for development.

Complete the form below to join the programme.


Complete The Form To Join The Programme:

© 2021 Climate Just Collective